Two Questions and a Minor Rant
My parents' 25th anniversary is March 15. They're rather difficult to buy for, and I have no idea what to get them. For Christmas, I gave them movie passes and a gift certificate to their favorite restaurant so they could go out on a date. They both work strange hours, so they could save the certificates for a time that worked best for them. They really liked the gift, and since I can't think of anything to get them for their anniversary, I was thinking of doing the same thing again. Would that be weird? I know it's a special anniversary, but I can't think of anything else. None of my siblings have any ideas either. Suggestions are welcome! :o)
For my birthday, instead of presents my family will be giving me money so I can get a digital camera. I know absolutely nothing about digital photography...I'd love to hear suggestions of camera brands and models. I don't plan on doing anything special with the camera (just basic snapshots), and I imagine I'll probably be on a somewhat limited budget.
Now for the rant...
I really shouldn't complain, but I'm getting very tired of this semi-winter/semi-spring thing we have going on right now. It's been wonderful to have sunlight, but for the past few days we've had the most random weather...from sunny blue skies to snow and back to sunny blue skies within 15 minutes. A sudden whiteout snowstorm caused a 90-car pileup a few miles from my apartment yesterday morning. It was over 50 degrees on Sunday, and today we had a high of like 23. Can it just be spring? Please???
The weird weather did the same thing in New York -- on Tuesday, there were car accidents galore -- no one was prepared for the ice.
Re the gifts ... if they liked it before, I think it's fine to give them "a date" again. You're giving them the experience and helping them have a nice time together. That's really something they can enjoy. Nobody needs another object. Maybe I'm just unimaginative when it comes to gifts, but I'd always much rather have an experience vs. a thing. Go for it.
crumblord, at March 10, 2005 12:42 AM
I agree with the rant. I can't wait for spring!
As an alternative to the gift certificate, you might talk to the manager of their favorite restaurant and see if you can arrange to buy them a nice dinner. Something where they can show up and have whatever they want (maybe the restaurant could just charge it to your credit card).
Other than that, a gift certificate seems like a good idea, even though you did it before.
If you want to send your parents to Long Island for a while, so I can get to know them, I might be able to make more specific suggestions. ;)
Anonymous, at March 10, 2005 11:25 AM
Sorry for the triple comment. Not sure why that happened.
Anonymous, at March 10, 2005 11:26 AM
Thanks for the advice, guys...I'm usually pretty good with coming up with the right gift for people, but my parents are always the hardest to buy for. You'd think I'd know them well enough to make it easy. :-b
Jess, if anyone from my family gets to go to NY, it's me! I was there a few months ago and fell completely in love; I'm planning on moving there after grad school. Also, the comment system has been acting very weird lately. I don't really know why...I might disable the pop-up comments and see if that helps. I deleted the repeated comments.
Elizabeth, at March 10, 2005 8:25 PM
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