Am I There Yet?

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

You Hear It First

So I'm watching Real World right now. I haven't really watched much MTV since high school, but it's interesting to see how much is the same. Did you realize Kurt Loder is still one of their news reporters? He's OLD!! It has to be one of the funniest things I've ever seen; the little MTV News logo comes up, then this guy, older than my parents, introducing a story on some hip-hop thing. Completely incongruous.

I know I haven't posted much lately. I'm working on a huge project at work, and I've spent yesterday evening babysitting for a friend. Can you believe there are still people who don't have internet access? I'm catching up on some stuff tonight, but I should be back to my same annoying 3 or 4 posts a day tomorrow. :-D


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