Best Monday Ever
Driving home from work, 85 miles an hour, windows rolled down, wind in my was a gorgeous day! I found myself running errands all day, just to get out of my office. When I got off work, instead of changing into jeans and a t-shirt and carrying a fleece blanket around the apartment, I was sitting on the balcony in shorts and a halter. I love spring! :-D
(I have a feeling my moods are much too easily influenced by the weather. I should move to Hawaii or Arizona or something. I'd probably get a bit annoying, though.)
I visited my parents again this weekend. I had originally planned on going home for both my birthday and Easter, not realizing how close they were this year. After going up for my birthday, I hadn't planned on returning for Easter, but I changed my mind kind of last-minute. I thought a change of scenery might be a good thing since I've been so stressed lately. Both of my parents had the weekend off, so I talked to them a bit about my plans to move. Actual comments:
Dad: You know, you could always move back home. and do what, go back to delivering pizzas?
Mom: I've heard the cost of living in New York is pretty high. think?
Dad: Why would you want to live in the city? I hate cities. I'm not you?
Dad: Do you plan on getting a job before you move? as if I wouldn't!
Mom: You know, you could always move back home. I think I'd rather be homeless...
Sarah was coming back from visiting Tim (again) on Saturday. She got pulled over twice on the way up...both times, she was going less than 5 over the speed limit. Warnings both times, although she'll need four more to catch up to me. :-b
Sarah and I both got new cell phones in early August. She was looking at her total calling time, so I decided to check mine and compare. She's talked for over 400 hours. I have 27. I stopped by the store today and downgraded my plan.
And finally, a stock tip: whatever company makes Kleenex. My purchases alone have probably kept them in business all winter. I don't have a cold, and I'm not sick. Can my nose stop dripping now? Please???
Sure, New York is expensive, but you get paid more, so it all evens out. Everyone should try living in NYC -- even if you don't end up loving it, it's an amazing place to be.
Also, the great thing about New York is, it's not that hard to get a job if you're halfway intelligent and articulate.
crumblord, at March 30, 2005 11:35 AM
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crumblord, at March 30, 2005 11:35 AM
Aaaah I hate blogger and double-posting.
crumblord, at March 30, 2005 11:36 AM
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