Am I There Yet?

Thursday, January 13, 2005

I Wanna Go Home

Don't get me wrong, I love my job. I just really don't want to be here today. It's gotten really warm since yesterday (all the way up to 50 degrees), and it's one of those rainy gray days. I just want to be sitting at home, on the couch, reading. Or cuddled up in bed under my comforter. On the positive side, though, at least it's not snowing! The temperature is apparently supposed to drop all day today, going from about 45 degrees to about 15 by midnight. I have a feeling it'll be just a bit slippery tomorrow.

The whole falling asleep early thing has kind of stopped. The last few nights I've gotten to bed around 2 a.m., which is definitely not early enough now that I've gotten into the habit of actually getting sleep. I think I'm going to have to consciously make myself go to bed earlier. It was nice actually getting up when my alarm went off without having to talk myself into it. I don't have any specific time I absolutely have to get into work, and my times this week have been quickly degenerating. The problem with coming in late is that I have to stay late to make up for it...not exactly my favorite thing in the world. One good thing, though, is that I slept through my alarm this morning, and I still woke up on my own around 8:30. I've mentioned in a previous post that the week between Christmas and New Years I didn't really sleep much at night. Well, one night, I had stayed up, and I was getting pretty sleepy around 5ish. I decided to take a quick nap for a few hours and wake up at 7 to get ready for work. I woke up at 4:30 p.m. Fortunately, my boss wasn't in that week, and my schedule was entirely voluntarily. Quite a scare, though, waking up and seeing that time on the clock. I guess last week's schedule taught my body something! :o)


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