Am I There Yet?

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

I Felt Pretty...

Ever have one of those days where you just know you look good? I was having one of those days this morning. New shoes, favorite black skirt, new shirt (makes my eyes look a really cool blue-green color), hair and makeup looking great. So I was in a good a few compliments...nice day.

I work on a college campus, so I can eat in the cafeteria at a really discounted price. I went through the lunch line, walked back to the table I usually sit at with a few of my coworkers, and stopped to talk to a friend on the way there. There was a girl sitting at the table with her that's kind of an acquaintance of mine. Jennifer is one of those girls that you'd love to hate...she looks like a model, yet has the sweetest personality, so you can't dislike her. So we're chatting, and I'm standing next to her, and suddenly the cute feelings are kind of gone.

I did, however, get a wolf whistle on my way back to my office...guess I can't really complain. ;-)


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