While Eating Apple-Chocolate Chip Cake...
(Hey...it has fruit in it! That makes it healthy!)
When I wake up early enough in the morning to eat breakfast, I usually turn on the TV and watch CNN or something for a few minutes...makes me feel like a responsible adult or something. This morning, when I turned the TV on, Today's Campbell Brown was interviewing Jeff Gannon/James Guckert. (This is kind of random, but I love that the reporter's name is Campbell Brown. Reporter names in general are entertaining--Wolf Blitzer, Stone Phillips--but I find hers especially funny. I'm sure it's not her real name, but it makes me laugh every time I think of that name on the elementary school playground. I have a feeling she's heard more than her share of jokes about soup.) I haven't blogged about this situation before, because just about everyone on the planet already knows about it, but there were a few quotes this morning I found absolutely hilarious.
But Jeff Gannon isn't really Jeff Gannon. (Don't you love how dramatic they try to make things sound?) He uses the pseudonym because his real name is difficult to pronounce, he says.
Gannon: My name is James Guckert
Brown: James Guckert?
Gannon: Yes.
Brown: It's not so hard to pronounce. (I love it when reporters say exactly what I'm thinking!)
Gannon: Well, when you read it, it's always pronounced some other way. (I can think of only two ways to pronounce this name: Gookert [long U, like he says it] and Guckert [short U, apparently wrong]. Obviously very difficult.)
Some might say how does a guy who works for an obscure, Internet publication, with a background that is linked to Internet porn in some fashion, get into the daily briefings, and get to ask the president a question at a news conference?
Gannon: I asked to come. They allowed me to come. And apparently that there isn't a very high threshold as far as somebody's personal life to gain access. (Good to know that all it takes to get into a White House press briefing is to ask. I have a feeling security procedures are going to be tightened rather quickly...)
But have you SEEN his nekkid photos?
Mark Floyd-Thaut, at February 24, 2005 12:12 PM
First let me say hello Senorita Cosa [Ms Thing to English speakers at home] So good to meet and read your words on the screen.
Second: For the record if you eat cake with a fork with an apple finial is technically considered eating healthy.
Thrid: Gannon is a schmuck, plainly put a conservative homo. Not a good combination.
Forth: I concur with Zeitzeuge, he's hot in any political camp. Still a schmuck though.
Anonymous, at February 24, 2005 1:06 PM
Zeitzeuge, I haven't actually looked much into him beyond the story on mainstream news sites...now you've made me curious. Way too many blocks here at work; I'll have to look around when I get home. ;-)
1-Nice to "meet" you, too! Love your blog. :o)
2-Um...well...I kind of picked most of the apples out. So it was cake with chocolate chips on top. I did, however, drink skim milk with it. Does that count?
3-Hypocrisy bothers me more than almost any other character flaw. He seems to define the term.
4-Still curious...
Elizabeth, at February 24, 2005 1:23 PM
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